Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Ice Cream Social

I took my niece out today for birthday Ice Cream at Cold Stone. I am not a Cold Stone sort of person but, she had never been there. The plan was to go to Baskin Robins and get her a free scoop of ice cream. Funny how things just do not turn out the way that you think. For one I am on a seriously tight budget...I mean tight! I was able to put guess in my car and Cold Stone was closer to home. With the drive to Baskin Robins I pretty much would have spent what I did for her ice cream.

Kids are funny! I niece is turning seven on Saturday and she must think that I have a load of money. Interesting because it is not like I get her many things are take her out a lot. When she asks for something I do not jump on it and purchase it, I tell her no or ask mommy and daddy. Great thing is she loved her ice cream and we had a great time talking and just hanging out. I told her how happy she makes me and how much so many people love her. I believe that every girl, young lady, and woman needs to know that. Girls need to know how very special they are. This is not to say that boys are not; I am just speaking from my experience growing up. I just holds are very dear place in my heart. Of course that is for all people! :)

What I want is for all of you to know how near and dear you are. This life is but a blink. So quick that we could barely even notice. But, there are those moments. Beautiful moments that make such an impression upon our lives. You are that impression and it is a beautiful thing.

Be that beauty to someone because they need it just as you need that beauty for you.

It's been how long??

I have been gone for a very long time! A lot has gone on since I was last here. I move out from my parents and am now living with some of my dear friends. One of the best things about it is that I am living with a four year old as well. Her name is Emma and she is such a joy. She calls me Auntie Kandice which well suits me I must say :).

I now have two nieces and a nephew from my brother. I am working and going to school still (I know, I know still in school). Sometimes it can feel very never ending. The great thing is that I have a goal set and a finish date...Yay for me! I have been picking up on paying jobs for my photography lately which has been great! The photo in my banner are pictures from a shoot a did recently for a baby shower. I staged the table and took the photos. There will be more to come of course! I also did a pregnancy shoot this past weekend which was great! I have not done one in a while and hope to do more. 

The website is being revamped so I will be placing a link for that as well. Now it may be just me but, I have to figure how to get my badge from instagram on here. I cannot seem to find the place for it lol! It is late a night or should I say early in the morning for me right about now. I need to go to bed but, I wanted to get these pictures done. It will be a great day tomorrow and the rest of this week will be super bright! Until tomorrow I will leave you with this lovely photo. Be well and good morning or good night to you! :)